Dec 20, 2010


Unlike Paris, who's cell phone's name is Cecil (she's says that's Cecil is a girl name, but most people she talks to disagree. What do you think?), my cell phone does not have a name. I don't have anything against naming electronics (I'm sure you've read about Paris' PINK laptop named Patrick), but its just kind of.......well, for lack of a better or more suitable word....its just WEIRD. My cell phone does not have a name. It does not need a name. Its a cell phone. When I'm searching the house looking for it, I don't say "Where's Susan?!" Or James. Or Mr. Prickleworth. Its just "my cell phone." Or "my phone." Or, my most favorite of all "Where's my CELLULAR DEVICE?!?!?!!!!" Haha, isn't that fun to say? You should say it out loud, right now. Cellular device. Wasn't that great? Now imagine getting to yell that throughout the house. Its a whole new level of fun. AND it really is a cellular device. So its not just a weird name-its what my phone is: my cellular device.
But really, I think its kind of funny to name your cell phone, so its ok:)

I think my cell phone is alive. It can breath!!!
Well, not all of the time-but it does. I don't always keep my phone with me like some people do. Its usually sitting in my room or on the kitchen table. And because of this, I don't always hear it when it rings so I keep the volume turned up all the way. Then when it starts to ring, I scramble up the stairs to get to it so I can answer the phone, but sometimes I don't make it in time. I bought I ringtone from iTunes that I really like, its "Beautiful, Beautiful" by Franchesca Battistellie (I know I spelled that name COMPLETELY wrong, and I'm sorry). When my phone rings,thats the song that blares through the speakers. And right before it happens my cellular device starts to vibrate, and I KNOW that I can hear my phone inhale a deep breath before it sings at the top of its lungs. I know it. I meant to tell Paris about this, but never had a chance. The other day, after my phone had finished singing out my ringtone, and as I was thinking about how funny it was that it could breath, Paris is like, "Your phone takes a big breath before the ringtone goes off!" And I'm like, "I know! I thought the same thing!!" And I'm very happy, because I'm not the only one to think that, and not being alone is a very good feeling.


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